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About James Yeo

Music Director / Arranger / Producer / Keyboardist / Bassist / Composer

James Yeo completed his classical piano at age of 12, but exhibited talents in pop and jazz music as a child. His parents paid for his Chemical Engineering degree but gave their blessings after he finally graduated. After the cert was burnt, James went full on into music production, concert playing as well as music education in the past 10+ years.


As a multi-instrumentalist he enjoys and executes well in various genre of music. He was part of the team at Kenn C Music that serves some of the regional biggest Chinese pop stars that include Stefanie Sun, JJ Lin,David Tao, Jam Hsiao, Angela Zhang etc. He attributes all he has to the grace of God. He hopes to share and inspire.

James Yeo 12岁考获皇家八级钢琴演奏文凭, 却对流行爵士
乐拥有过人的天份与兴趣。大学毕业后全时间投入音乐制作,演唱会,教育等工作, 已经打拼了十多年。


作为一名多乐器演奏家,他喜爱各式各样的音乐曲风。之前在新加坡 Kenn C Music 制作室旗下,编曲制作
过的歌手包括 孙燕姿,林俊杰,林忆莲,萧敬腾,张韶涵,陶喆,杨坤,沙宝亮。他觉得他所拥有的一切都是上主的恩赐,因此希望能和更多人分享。


Let’s Create.

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  • Click on the Let's Chat! button to chat

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  • Email me at

Talk soon. 


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